Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Some things are harder to digest

Digestion, whether in the mind or the body, runs a similar route. The tough stuff (greasy food) is harder to digest; more analysis is needed and often times gives you a stomach ache.

The Digestive Process:

  • Digestion of food into the mouth
  • Movement of food along the digestive tract
  • Mechanical preparation of food for digestion
  • Chemical digestion of food
  • Absorption of digested food into the circulatory and lymphatic systems
  • Elimination of indigestible substances and waste products from the body by defecation

Mechanical Digestion - The process of chewing, swallowing and propelling food through the gastrointestinal tract...
Gastrointestinal Tract - A long hollow tube from mouth to anus where digestion and absorption occur.
Chemical Digestion - A form of digestion that involves the addition of enzymes that break down nutrients.

After food has been chewed up, swallowed and has become chyme (semi-liquid mass of partially digested food) in the stomach, it travels to the small intestine. This is the primary site for digestion and absorption of food, including the energy-providing nutrients (protein, carbohydrate and fat), vitamins, minerals and water. Once the chyme reaches the large intestine most of the digestion and absorption is complete. Here the final absorption of water and salt occurs. The resulting semisolid waste is then passed out of the body.

5 foods for a Healthy Digestive Tract:
1. Red beets and beet greens
2. Yukon gold potatoes and sweet potatoes
3. Avocados
4. Oats

10 foods to steer clear from:
1. Fried foods
2. Spicy food
3. Chocolate
4. Citrus juices
5. Mashed potatoes
6. Raw onions
7. Ice Cream
8. Raw broccoli and cabbage
9. Beans
10. Sugar-free gums, candy, etc ( >10 grams of Sorbital)

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